Enigma2 XtreamTV Plugin

Enigma2 XtreamTV Plugin

Little Info: You need to install our plugin for it to work on your device. To uninstall the plugin, run this command.
Command: opkg remove XtreamTV
You do not know which file is the right one?
Look with the command: less / proc / cpuinfo

  • Step 1: First, download the program “PuTTy” to your Windows device and install it. (direct download link or on the official website https://putty.org/)
  • Step 2: Now you need the right plugin that matches the CPU architecture of your device, in most cases you use “Mips32el”.
    (Mips32el devices examples: VU Zero, Vu Duo, Zgemma and mostly over OpenPli 4 boxes.)
    “Mipsel” is used for old boxes like dm800 clones with old OpenPli 2.1.
    “Sh4” is used for boxes like Spark.
    “Armv7a” is used by new boxes like vu 4k and gigablue sf4008.
    If your device is not included then please inform us! We are looking for more possibilities.
  • Step 3: Connect your device with a LAN cable to the PC on which you installed the program “PuTTY”.
  • Step 4: Connect to the Telnet protocol in PuTTY with your device and execute one of these commands. (depending on the CPU architecture)

Command list:

Command for “Mips32el”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/mips32el.ipk

Command for “Mipsel”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/mipsel.ipk

Command for “sh4”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/sh4.ipk

Command for “armv7a”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/armv7a.ipk

Command for “oe25_arm”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/oe25_arm.deb

Command for “oe25_mips”: opkg install http://portal.iptvnordic.net:8080/enigma2/oe25_mips.deb

  • Step 5: Connect your device to a monitor or TV and start the plugin. Important now is the MAC address, this is required for activation.
  • Step 6: Write down the MAC address and let us know, then we prefer to restart the box.
  • Step 7: We immediately check the MAC address, and in a few minutes you have access to the full scope of the package.
  • Step 8: Done!

The displayed Mac address is required by us to unlock your device.

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